Esoterica, The Occult, and Secret Societies: A Venn Diagram Approach

With all the recent public revelations, disinformation campaigns, and high weirdness of the past few years the topics of the esoteric, the occult, and secret societies (aka “The Illuminati”) are very much en vogue at the moment. There’s a lot of heated rhetoric on all sides concerning these issues.…

Becoming A-Ware of The Phenomenon: Jean Gebser and the Integral Nature of UFOs

Just as the magic structure cannot be represented but only lived, the mythical structure not represented but only experienced, and the rational structure neither lived nor experienced but only represented and conceptualized, so the integral structure cannot be represented but only awared in truth. —Jean Gebser, The Ever-Present Origin pp,…

Lucifer Was The Original Spiritual Bypasser

In a previous piece I explored the archetypes of Lucifer and Satan and their depiction through contemporary film, looking especially at the possibilities of potential cultural programming and hidden messaging via those “left-hand” (literally sinister) archetypes. In this piece I want to explore a related thread but from a slightly…

The Consciousness of Nature

In a previous piece I criticized the (mis)use of nature as a metaphor for political philosophies. I explored how nature has been used for any number of various political theories—liberal democratic, fascist, monarchical, communist—as a way to seek to buttress or validate those political belief systems. In…

The Supra-Alchemical: Sri Aurobindo and Exotic States of Spiritual-Alchemical Consciousness (Part I)

“Gardner then recounts the difficulties of translators when they encountered an inscription from the Middle Kingdom’s deputy treasurer Si-Hathor, which stated 'I visited Bia as a child; I compelled the great ones to wash gold.' Noting that a question mark occurs after 'wash' Gardner observers that the translators…

Conscious Energetic Sovereignty: Or Thoughts on Spiritual Warfare

In this piece I’ll examine the topic of spiritual warfare. This piece fits within a larger thread on the site that includes, for example, this post investigating worldview warfare (“warfare on your mind”), as well as a set of articles looking at the psychic, subtle, causal, and nondual dimensions…

2020: WTF Year in Review

The title of this piece says it all—WTF 2020? How are we to make sense of the absolute insanity of the past year? This piece will seek to answer that question or at least offer some helpful frames to assist in the process. The first frame to help gain…

Documenting the UFO: A Review of The Phenomenon, Unacknowledged, and Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

The last few years have a brought a frenzy of activity in the field of Ufology as it enters more and more into mainstream discourse. In 2017 The New York Times broke a story on a covert US government UFO research group called AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program). Following…

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