Astrological Timing Techniques in the Life of Ulysses S. Grant

“Then, indeed, I gave up all idea of saving the Union except by complete conquest.” —U.S. Grant in his Personal Memoirs, in response to The Battle of Shiloh (April 1862) This piece is the third (and final) in a series looking at astrological interpretation in the life of Gen.…

Esoterica, The Occult, and Secret Societies: A Venn Diagram Approach

With all the recent public revelations, disinformation campaigns, and high weirdness of the past few years the topics of the esoteric, the occult, and secret societies (aka “The Illuminati”) are very much en vogue at the moment. There’s a lot of heated rhetoric on all sides concerning these issues.…

Paradigm Shifts: Archaeology

“Things keep getting older.” —Graham Hancock Recently Ezekiel73 and I were discussing research into alternative views of human history—specifically I think we were discussing Graham Hancock’s latest book America Before—and he asked me why I thought there was such push back and emotional reactivity around ideas like…

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