”Transhumanists like myself, who encourage shedding our biological limitations in favor of becoming technological gods, are broadly secular.” —Zoltan Istvan In a previous piece I laid out an overview of orthodox Christian theology with a view to exploring transhumanism as fundamentally rooted (though unconsciously) in that Christian mythos. There’s…
3 posts in
How are we to think of communication with the dead in a weird naturalist light? That’s the question guiding this piece. In that regard, this piece is one in a series applying a weird naturalist lens to various highly strange encounters—I’ve written on looking at past life…
“The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. Discuss.” —Linda Richman from Coffee Talk on Saturday Night Live quoting Voltaire In this piece I want to explore the process of past life regressions in relationship to a more weird naturalist, ontologically flooded, trauma-cognizant lens that is…