Watching The Watchers: On Egregores

There’s been a good deal of discussion—quite interesting actually—on the topic of egregores extending about beyond its more usual confines in esoteric, occult, and parapolitical circles into wider discourse. In this piece I want to explore the concept of egregores in its original formulation connected to the…

Too Many Rights Make a Wrong?: On Truckers, Digital Panopticons, and Overunity Politics

In 1990 theologian John Milbank wrote Theology and Social Theory. The book was (and continues to be) a radical critique of modernist humanism particularly of the social sciences as being an intellectual cover for a more power-grabbing, secular agenda. Milbank argued that while the social scientific disciplines—particularly economics, political…

Ghostbusters Afterlife: Thoughts on Transitioning to the Great Beyond

One of the first pieces I wrote for Limited Hangout was a philosophical movie review of the all-female Ghostbusters reboot film and what it revealed concerning the astral plane (or at least memetic frames in the collective human aethers concerning the astral plane anyway). While the pseudo-controversy that surrounded that…

The Great (P)Reset: Intentional Exploitation, Piggybacking, and The Fourth Industrial Revolution

“We’re in the endgame now.” —Dr. Strange   In a previous piece, looking at new data emerging questioning dominant models of human origins, I explored the work of Thomas Kuhn on paradigm change in the realm of scientific disciplines. Kuhn called them revolutions in science. According to Kuhn there are…

The Paradox of Authority: Dreams of Redemption Through Science and Medicine

[Editor's Note: Son of Korg...this is the first piece from new guest author RiffRaft. We're excited to have RiffRaft limitedly hanging out with us.] "...everyone was so positive of their having seen what they pretended to see, that there was no contradicting them without breach of friendship, or being…

Lucifer Was The Original Spiritual Bypasser

In a previous piece I explored the archetypes of Lucifer and Satan and their depiction through contemporary film, looking especially at the possibilities of potential cultural programming and hidden messaging via those “left-hand” (literally sinister) archetypes. In this piece I want to explore a related thread but from a slightly…

High Strange Human History

In my previous piece I looked at Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory and how I see it playing out in the contemporary fights over new understandings of human history. That piece included a look at debates over funding, politics, worldview clashes, and the like all come into play as…

Paradigm Shifts: Archaeology

“Things keep getting older.” —Graham Hancock Recently Ezekiel73 and I were discussing research into alternative views of human history—specifically I think we were discussing Graham Hancock’s latest book America Before—and he asked me why I thought there was such push back and emotional reactivity around ideas like…

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