In 1990 theologian John Milbank wrote Theology and Social Theory. The book was (and continues to be) a radical critique of modernist humanism particularly of the social sciences as being an intellectual cover for a more power-grabbing, secular agenda. Milbank argued that while the social scientific disciplines—particularly economics, political…
“In the beginning there was man. And for a time it was good…Then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise…But for a time it was good.” —The Second Renaissance, from The Animatrix In two previous pieces I've…
Spoiler Warning for Matrix Resurrections One of the earliest pieces I wrote at Limited Hangout is entitled The Red Pill is a Psyop. In this piece I’m going to look at the most recent Matrix film (Matrix: Resurrections). But in order to get a sense of what I believe…
"After mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And then, for the second time in the history of the world, man [sic] will have discovered fire." —Teilhard de Chardin "They're putting us in identical little boxes/ No character just…
“We’re in the endgame now.” —Dr. Strange In a previous piece, looking at new data emerging questioning dominant models of human origins, I explored the work of Thomas Kuhn on paradigm change in the realm of scientific disciplines. Kuhn called them revolutions in science. According to Kuhn there are…
In a previous piece I explored the archetypes of Lucifer and Satan and their depiction through contemporary film, looking especially at the possibilities of potential cultural programming and hidden messaging via those “left-hand” (literally sinister) archetypes. In this piece I want to explore a related thread but from a slightly…
In my previous piece I looked at Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm shift theory and how I see it playing out in the contemporary fights over new understandings of human history. That piece included a look at debates over funding, politics, worldview clashes, and the like all come into play as…
"If it is the sole intention of Nature in the evolution of the spiritual man to awaken him to the supreme Reality...then in the essence her work has been already accomplished and there is nothing more to be done....But we have supposed that there is a farther intention,…