[Editor's Note: Son of Korg...this is the first piece from new guest author RiffRaft. We're excited to have RiffRaft limitedly hanging out with us.] "...everyone was so positive of their having seen what they pretended to see, that there was no contradicting them without breach of friendship, or being…
What I'm going to explore in this piece is the relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening. Does one inevitably entail the other? Are they mutually exclusive? Or are they distinct but potentially compatible realities? The relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening is perfectly encapsulated by the terms awake…
This piece is a sequel to this one critiquing the men’s right activism (MRAs) from the perspective of collective initiatory experiences and trauma. In that piece I laid out the conceptual grid of trauma and initiatory movements and how they shed incredible light on the MRA movement—an understanding…
“Traumatic injury in childhood has been equated with a kind of unconscious initiation ceremony—not because it is a spiritual or ceremonial experience, but because the movements within it mimic the movements of the first two stages of real initiation. Understanding the stages of initiation (and the ways in which…
Imagine this scenario (this is based on a true story): A presenter (a white woman) is asked to speak to a group of undergraduate university students. She prepares for the speech and then gives it. She has some initial remarks and then wants to have some discussion and conversation with…
This piece is in many ways the inverse of my piece on Deadpool as the perfect postmodern movie. Star Wars did (most) everything wrong that Deadpool did right when dealing with our contemporary postmodern zeitgeist. Whereas Deadpool wasa postmodern triumph, the new Star Wars trilogy is a postmodern disaster. This…
A little while back I wrote this piece on how inclusivity and diversity could use more matriarchy to regenerate authentic power. I want to revisit this topic but from a slightly different though related-angle: the deconstructive philosophy of Jacques Derrida. In so doing I want to explore what deconstruction might…
“I don’t care for these new Nazis and you can quote me on that.” —John Mulaney In 1989 Francis Fukuyama wrote the seminal essay, “The End of History?” That essay would form the basis of his massively influential 1992 book The End of History and The Last Man. The…