Previously Ezekiel73 wrote an epic piece on the importance of yacht rock in a time of apocalypse (“unveiling”). For more on apocalyptic traditions, see my earlier piece on the subject. I’ve also previously used yacht rock as a perfect example of some core aspects of Hegelian philosophy, which I’…
Carl Jung
Just as the magic structure cannot be represented but only lived, the mythical structure not represented but only experienced, and the rational structure neither lived nor experienced but only represented and conceptualized, so the integral structure cannot be represented but only awared in truth. —Jean Gebser, The Ever-Present Origin pp,…
"If it is the sole intention of Nature in the evolution of the spiritual man to awaken him to the supreme Reality...then in the essence her work has been already accomplished and there is nothing more to be done....But we have supposed that there is a farther intention,…
“The quest of alchemy, in short, was to literally embody the materia prima and its transmutative powers as fully within lower diversified matter as was possible in the earthly Philosophers’ Stone.” —Joseph P. Farrell, The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (p. 37). The yoga we…
“Gardner then recounts the difficulties of translators when they encountered an inscription from the Middle Kingdom’s deputy treasurer Si-Hathor, which stated 'I visited Bia as a child; I compelled the great ones to wash gold.' Noting that a question mark occurs after 'wash' Gardner observers that the translators…
This piece is another attempt at what William Irwin Thompson called “mind jazz.” An earlier piece of mine exploring the relationship between Hegel’s idealist philosophy and the UFO phenomenon and how each helped interpret the other was an earlier version of some mind jazz. In this piece however I…
What does a weird naturalist, ontologically flooded lens have to say about the spiritual process known as The Ascension? This piece will explore that question (along with a companion looking at ascension symptoms in light of traumatology). When discussing The Ascension in its contemporary usage (especially in New Age traditions)…