Esoterica, The Occult, and Secret Societies: A Venn Diagram Approach

With all the recent public revelations, disinformation campaigns, and high weirdness of the past few years the topics of the esoteric, the occult, and secret societies (aka “The Illuminati”) are very much en vogue at the moment. There’s a lot of heated rhetoric on all sides concerning these issues.…

The Cosmos Newly Thinking

This piece is the third in a series exploring the traditions and practices of New Thought (aka Science of Mind). The first piece set some historical context for the tradition and the next piece looked at some of the deeper storehouse of riches in the tradition. Each piece stands on…

The Universal Basic Income Shell Game: Controlled Dialectics, Free Energy, and Technocratic Co-Opting

This piece will explore the possibility of how a Universal Basic Income (UBI), an officially progressive wealth (re)distribution policy, could be deployed for dark, technocratic ends. Further, this piece will examine whether a UBI could actually function as a major fake out, to keep attention away from arguably much…

Limited Scientistic Hangouts: Giordano Bruno, Cosmos, and the Alchemical Nature of Science

In the first episode of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey, the sequel to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, we are introduced to the great Renaissance sage Giordano Bruno. The story depicts Bruno as a martyr for scientific reason against the backward reactionary forces of medieval Catholicism. It’…

The Physics of the Future Already Exists

“that’s what space-time is…[space-time is] consciousness traversing associations in this world of information creating the illusion of space and time.”  —Jacques Vallee Jacques Vallee is arguably the most important researcher on the question of UFOs (or as he prefers to call them UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). In this…

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