The Bourne Disclosure: Deep State Strategy on Screen

In a previous piece I explored the first two Jason Bourne movies (The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy) for clues as to the nature of parapolitical and deep state activities in our time. This movie will review the final two Matt Damon Bourne films (The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason…

Too Many Rights Make a Wrong?: On Truckers, Digital Panopticons, and Overunity Politics

In 1990 theologian John Milbank wrote Theology and Social Theory. The book was (and continues to be) a radical critique of modernist humanism particularly of the social sciences as being an intellectual cover for a more power-grabbing, secular agenda. Milbank argued that while the social scientific disciplines—particularly economics, political…

Not So Free Guy: Gamified Enslavement & Revelation of the Method

“It’s just a sweet sweet fantasy baby/ When I close my eyes you come and take me. It’s so deep in my daydreams But it’s just a sweet, sweet fantasy…” Fantasy,  Mariah Carey The theme of digitization and the loss of human autonomy and meaning has been…

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