On The Ethical Responsibility of Becoming a god: A Critique of Secular Transhumanism

”Transhumanists like myself, who encourage shedding our biological limitations in favor of becoming technological gods, are broadly secular.”  —Zoltan Istvan In a previous piece I laid out an overview of orthodox Christian theology with a view to exploring transhumanism as fundamentally rooted (though unconsciously) in that Christian mythos. There’s…

Epic Fail: The Postmodern Debacle of The New Star Wars Films

This piece is in many ways the inverse of my piece on Deadpool as the perfect postmodern movie. Star Wars did (most) everything wrong that Deadpool did right when dealing with our contemporary postmodern zeitgeist. Whereas Deadpool wasa postmodern triumph, the new Star Wars trilogy is a postmodern disaster. This…

Stop Using Nature as a Political Metaphor

In the midst of all the gender and sexual and political fights of our day one tactic I see on all sides that’s infuriates me is the reference to Nature to justify one’s position about how we humans should conduct ourselves. Nature is everything and nothing. Nature is…

On The Singular They And the Possibility of Life Beyond Postmodernity

I am large. I contain multitudes.  —Walt Whitman Merriam Webster’s page on the singular they is actually quite thoughtful and well balanced: "We will note that they has been in consistent use as a singular pronoun since the late 1300s; that the development of singular they mirrors the development…

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