2021: WTF? Year in Review

“Everybody plays the fool, (Sometimes) There’s no exception to the rule (Listen Baby) It may be factual, it may be cruel (I ain’t lyin’) But everybody plays the fool… Everybody plays the fool, (Sometimes) They use your heart just like a tool, (Listen Baby) They never tell you…

2020: WTF Year in Review

The title of this piece says it all—WTF 2020? How are we to make sense of the absolute insanity of the past year? This piece will seek to answer that question or at least offer some helpful frames to assist in the process. The first frame to help gain…

Q in the Homestretch- What's the Wall Made Of?

Living on the Edge It’s now 26 days until the 2020 US election. It’s been nearly six months since I wrote my last article on QAnon, and a lot has happened in the Q realm since that time. Trump was finally asked the question about QAnon by the…

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