Becoming A-Ware of The Phenomenon: Jean Gebser and the Integral Nature of UFOs

Just as the magic structure cannot be represented but only lived, the mythical structure not represented but only experienced, and the rational structure neither lived nor experienced but only represented and conceptualized, so the integral structure cannot be represented but only awared in truth. —Jean Gebser, The Ever-Present Origin pp,…

UFOs Are Real: (Most) Ufology Is A Psyop

“Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.” —Soren Kierkegaard This piece is going to be a very complex and multifaceted one. It builds on and seeks to tie together a number of threads covered in earlier pieces concerning the UFO Phenomenon. The aim…

Embracing The Grey: A Review of Daniel Pinchbeck's Occult Control System

“What prevents the UFO and alien topic from becoming culturally acceptable is that we lack a framework for understanding it or giving it meaning. It remains unpresentable, unfathomable. If we are going to assimilate it - and perhaps even neutralize the implicitly threatening aspects of it - we must develop…

Hegalienism: Or What Hegel Has to Teach Us About UFOs

"Which logically leads us to realize something else: If UFOs and physical reality are incompatible, maybe the time has come to re-negotiate physical reality. Because, as we all know, these impossible UFOs that don't exist are not going away." --Jacques Vallee, Foreword to Sekret Machines vol 1: Gods This piece…

Psychic Aliens: A Proposal for the Possible Origin and Location of the UFO Phenomenon

"Psychic phenomena present a suitable allegory for this Other. Like the Other, these abilities are wholly intangible, yet—in a variety of experiments and anecdotes—possess the capacity to act upon our physical environment." --Joshua Cutchin. Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions Wisdom traditions throughout…

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