We're In A Very Fascist Moment...Just Not The Way You Think

"Nazis. I hate these guys."  --Indiana Jones In an earlier piece I looked at contemporary expressions of outright fascism, as well as fascist-like (aka, “fashy”) movements. I explored Francis Fukuyama’s (in)famous End of History & Last Man thesis whereby liberal democratic capitalism had triumphed over fascism (WWII) and…

The Stages of Conspiratorial Grief: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and the Para-Political Path of Death & Rebirth

In a previous piece I explored the path of studying parapolitical/conspiratorial insights as akin, though distinct from, the path of spiritual awakening. It’s not coincidental that the classic metaphor used in conspiracy world is “going down the rabbit hole”, which is after all reference to shamanic initiation and…

Phenomenal Trauma: Further Thoughts on Alien Abductions

This piece is a followup to an earlier piece exploring the alien abduction phenomenon. In that piece I argued that the alien abduction phenomenon has never truly been taken seriously as a form of trauma and for that research to deepen and grow it needs to be more seriously study…

Psychic Aliens: A Proposal for the Possible Origin and Location of the UFO Phenomenon

"Psychic phenomena present a suitable allegory for this Other. Like the Other, these abilities are wholly intangible, yet—in a variety of experiments and anecdotes—possess the capacity to act upon our physical environment." --Joshua Cutchin. Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions Wisdom traditions throughout…

Limited Scientistic Hangouts: Giordano Bruno, Cosmos, and the Alchemical Nature of Science

In the first episode of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey, the sequel to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, we are introduced to the great Renaissance sage Giordano Bruno. The story depicts Bruno as a martyr for scientific reason against the backward reactionary forces of medieval Catholicism. It’…

The Physics of the Future Already Exists

“that’s what space-time is…[space-time is] consciousness traversing associations in this world of information creating the illusion of space and time.”  —Jacques Vallee Jacques Vallee is arguably the most important researcher on the question of UFOs (or as he prefers to call them UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). In this…

The Universe Is Like Portland: Keep It Weird

The unofficial motto for the city of Portland is "keep Portland weird"– a unique weirdness was hilariously captured in the show Portlandia. The argument of this piece is that Portland is a microcosm of the macrocosmic whole. In other words, existence itself is weird, very weird. I’ve explored notions…

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