The Bourne Disclosure: Deep State Strategy on Screen

In a previous piece I explored the first two Jason Bourne movies (The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy) for clues as to the nature of parapolitical and deep state activities in our time. This movie will review the final two Matt Damon Bourne films (The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason…

The Bourne Revelation: Cinematic Parapolitical Insights

In previous pieces I’ve explored movies as potential sources of insight into parapolitical (“deep state”) realities, the technical term for which is “revelation of the method.” Hidden truths about our social, political (and even spiritual) world are placed in the public eye though slightly cockeyed so as not to…

The Spectre of Marxism: High Socialist Strangeness

“A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of communism.” —Karl Marx Recently Ezekiel73 penned this epic piece exploring what I call MK-(C)Ultra, i.e. a pathological trauma-induced cultural reality. In other words, MK-(C)Ultra involves social engineering and culture creation on a mass scale based out of…

The Physics of Reparations

“Jack was nimble, Jack was quick/ Got a question for Jack, ask him… 40 Acres and mule Jack Where is it? 
Why you try to fool the Black?” —Public Enemy Who Stole the Soul? In a previous set of pieces I looked at social movements in light of models of…

The Universal Basic Income Shell Game: Controlled Dialectics, Free Energy, and Technocratic Co-Opting

This piece will explore the possibility of how a Universal Basic Income (UBI), an officially progressive wealth (re)distribution policy, could be deployed for dark, technocratic ends. Further, this piece will examine whether a UBI could actually function as a major fake out, to keep attention away from arguably much…

We're In A Very Fascist Moment...Just Not The Way You Think

"Nazis. I hate these guys."  --Indiana Jones In an earlier piece I looked at contemporary expressions of outright fascism, as well as fascist-like (aka, “fashy”) movements. I explored Francis Fukuyama’s (in)famous End of History & Last Man thesis whereby liberal democratic capitalism had triumphed over fascism (WWII) and…

The Stages of Conspiratorial Grief: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and the Para-Political Path of Death & Rebirth

In a previous piece I explored the path of studying parapolitical/conspiratorial insights as akin, though distinct from, the path of spiritual awakening. It’s not coincidental that the classic metaphor used in conspiracy world is “going down the rabbit hole”, which is after all reference to shamanic initiation and…

Wake vs. Woke: On the Relationship Between Spiritual and Political Awakening

What I'm going to explore in this piece is the relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening. Does one inevitably entail the other? Are they mutually exclusive? Or are they distinct but potentially compatible realities? The relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening is perfectly encapsulated by the terms awake…

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