This is the second part of a series exploring the rise and fall of Donald Trump. If you haven’t already read Part I (you can here), you’ll want to do that before going ahead. That piece laid out an argument for Donald Trump’s longstanding deep state ties,…
MK Ultra
The title of this piece says it all—WTF 2020? How are we to make sense of the absolute insanity of the past year? This piece will seek to answer that question or at least offer some helpful frames to assist in the process. The first frame to help gain…
Col. John Boyd (US Air Force) was the originator of the OODA Loop Theory. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Boyd initially crafted the theory in terms of military strategy but eventually extended it from there to a whole host of other domains, including learning theory and business…
“Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.” —Soren Kierkegaard This piece is going to be a very complex and multifaceted one. It builds on and seeks to tie together a number of threads covered in earlier pieces concerning the UFO Phenomenon. The aim…
"Nazis. I hate these guys." --Indiana Jones In an earlier piece I looked at contemporary expressions of outright fascism, as well as fascist-like (aka, “fashy”) movements. I explored Francis Fukuyama’s (in)famous End of History & Last Man thesis whereby liberal democratic capitalism had triumphed over fascism (WWII) and…
In a previous piece I explored the path of studying parapolitical/conspiratorial insights as akin, though distinct from, the path of spiritual awakening. It’s not coincidental that the classic metaphor used in conspiracy world is “going down the rabbit hole”, which is after all reference to shamanic initiation and…
"Now, I'm not into conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true”. —Michael Moore In this piece I want to bring some concepts from the philosophy of science into contact with conspiracy thinking. The intention of doing so is to help bring some clarity and discernment into which various conspiracy…
What I'm going to explore in this piece is the relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening. Does one inevitably entail the other? Are they mutually exclusive? Or are they distinct but potentially compatible realities? The relationship between spiritual realization and political awakening is perfectly encapsulated by the terms awake…