Mediumship: Life In the Wake of The Dead

How are we to think of communication with the dead in a weird naturalist light? That’s the question guiding this piece. In that regard, this piece is one in a series applying a weird naturalist lens to various highly strange encounters—I’ve written on looking at past life…

Past Life Regressions Without The Past, The Life, or the Regression

“The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. Discuss.” —Linda Richman from Coffee Talk on Saturday Night Live quoting Voltaire In this piece I want to explore the process of past life regressions in relationship to a more weird naturalist, ontologically flooded, trauma-cognizant lens that is…

Sausage Party: The Animation of Contemporary Gnosticism

Prof. April DeConick one of the premier religious scholars of Gnosticism has written reviews examining Gnostic themes in Dark City as well as Avatar. Gnostic themes occur in multiple films. The Truman Show would be another oft-cited Gnostic film example. And of course The Matrix (I’ll get back to…

Deconstruct Your Deconstruction

A little while back I wrote this piece on how inclusivity and diversity could use more matriarchy to regenerate authentic power. I want to revisit this topic but from a slightly different though related-angle: the deconstructive philosophy of Jacques Derrida. In so doing I want to explore what deconstruction might…

The Postmodern Genius of Deadpool

"And believe it or not, Deadpool 2 is a family film. True story. And  every big family film starts... with a vicious murder. Bambi, The Lion  King, Saw 7."      --Deadpool, Deadpool 2 Postmodernism is a central topic around these parts. Understanding postmodernism is key to understanding our current moment. Postmodernism…

On The Singular They And the Possibility of Life Beyond Postmodernity

I am large. I contain multitudes.  —Walt Whitman Merriam Webster’s page on the singular they is actually quite thoughtful and well balanced: "We will note that they has been in consistent use as a singular pronoun since the late 1300s; that the development of singular they mirrors the development…

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