Limited Hangout

Naomi Klein’s Bridge- Neoliberalism, MKUltra, and the Long Trauma War Pt.1

Why would George W. Bush commute the death sentence of convicted serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, especially when Bush had a track record of overseeing more judicial executions than any other governor in US history? Why Lee Lucas, and why the special exception in his case? We’ll return to this …

On The Ethical Responsibility of Becoming a god: A Critique of Secular Transhumanism

”Transhumanists like myself, who encourage shedding our biological limitations in favor of becoming technological gods, are broadly secular.”  —Zoltan Istvan

In a previous piece I laid out an overview of orthodox Christian…

The Unconscious Christian Theology of Transhumanism

In this piece I want to lay some groundwork for further explorations, specifically around transhumanism. In particular I want to explore the often unconscious Christian theology at the heart of officially atheist/secular transhumanist thought. (The same could be said for much UFO religion …

Mediumship: Life In the Wake of The Dead

How are we to think of communication with the dead in a weird naturalist light? That’s the question guiding this piece. In that regard, this piece is one in a series applying a weird naturalist lens to various highly strange encounters—…

Neoplatonic Nondualism: Or Against Dualisms Christian & Gnostic

The orthodox Christian vs. Gnostic storyline and history is all the rage today. That is in part because Gnosticism is undergoing a strong revival in many quarters and consequently the orthodox Christian tradition sees itself fighting yet another round against its ancient nemesis. Depending on …

We're In A Very Fascist Moment...Just Not The Way You Think

"Nazis. I hate these guys."  --Indiana Jones

In an earlier piece I looked at contemporary expressions of outright fascism, as well as fascist-like (aka, “fashy”) movements. I explored Francis Fukuyama’s (in)famous End of History & Last Man thesis

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