Psychic Aliens: A Proposal for the Possible Origin and Location of the UFO Phenomenon

"Psychic phenomena present a suitable allegory for this Other. Like the Other, these abilities are wholly intangible, yet—in a variety of experiments and anecdotes—possess the capacity to act upon our physical environment." --Joshua Cutchin. Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions Wisdom traditions throughout…

Limited Scientistic Hangouts: Giordano Bruno, Cosmos, and the Alchemical Nature of Science

In the first episode of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey, the sequel to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, we are introduced to the great Renaissance sage Giordano Bruno. The story depicts Bruno as a martyr for scientific reason against the backward reactionary forces of medieval Catholicism. It’…

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