Limited Scientistic Hangouts: Giordano Bruno, Cosmos, and the Alchemical Nature of Science

In the first episode of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey, the sequel to Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, we are introduced to the great Renaissance sage Giordano Bruno. The story depicts Bruno as a martyr for scientific reason against the backward reactionary forces of medieval Catholicism. It’…

Zionist Christians or Christian Zionists? Real Time Apocalypse Update

Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin writes in Religion News criticizing the Israeli Ministry of Education for earmarking money for a youth biblical leadership program in the West Bank developed and lead by evangelical Christians. To put it simply, the Israeli government is giving money to evangelical Christians to run a summer camp…

Sausage Party: The Animation of Contemporary Gnosticism

Prof. April DeConick one of the premier religious scholars of Gnosticism has written reviews examining Gnostic themes in Dark City as well as Avatar. Gnostic themes occur in multiple films. The Truman Show would be another oft-cited Gnostic film example. And of course The Matrix (I’ll get back to…

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