Quadruple Transformation: On Regulating the Descent Of The Supermind

"If it is the sole intention of Nature in the evolution of the spiritual man to awaken him to the supreme Reality...then in the essence her work has been already accomplished and there is nothing more to be done....But we have supposed that there is a farther intention,…

The Supra-Alchemical: Sri Aurobindo and Exotic States of Spiritual-Alchemical Consciousness (Part II)

“The quest of alchemy, in short, was to literally embody the materia prima and its transmutative powers as fully within lower diversified matter as was possible in the earthly Philosophers’ Stone.”     —Joseph P. Farrell,  The Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter (p. 37). The yoga we…

The Supra-Alchemical: Sri Aurobindo and Exotic States of Spiritual-Alchemical Consciousness (Part I)

“Gardner then recounts the difficulties of translators when they encountered an inscription from the Middle Kingdom’s deputy treasurer Si-Hathor, which stated 'I visited Bia as a child; I compelled the great ones to wash gold.' Noting that a question mark occurs after 'wash' Gardner observers that the translators…

Conscious Energetic Sovereignty: Or Thoughts on Spiritual Warfare

In this piece I’ll examine the topic of spiritual warfare. This piece fits within a larger thread on the site that includes, for example, this post investigating worldview warfare (“warfare on your mind”), as well as a set of articles looking at the psychic, subtle, causal, and nondual dimensions…

The (Q)uestion of Trump: Thoughts on Russiagate, Q, and The Path Ahead

This is the second part of a series exploring the rise and fall of Donald Trump. If you haven’t already read Part I (you can here), you’ll want to do that before going ahead. That piece laid out an argument for Donald Trump’s longstanding deep state ties,…

WTF? Trump Edition

My latest piece (2020 WTF Year in Review) looked at all the craziness of 2020—coronavirus lockdowns, governments admitting UFOs are real, conspiracy theory going mainstream, and the Great Reset—seeking to unite these seemingly disparate and bonkers realities into a unified field theory. In this piece I want to…

2020: WTF Year in Review

The title of this piece says it all—WTF 2020? How are we to make sense of the absolute insanity of the past year? This piece will seek to answer that question or at least offer some helpful frames to assist in the process. The first frame to help gain…

OODA Loops and the Cabal: Surviving and Thriving in the War Zone of Your Mind

Col. John Boyd (US Air Force) was the originator of the OODA Loop Theory. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Boyd initially crafted the theory in terms of military strategy but eventually extended it from there to a whole host of other domains, including learning theory and business…

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