”Transhumanists like myself, who encourage shedding our biological limitations in favor of becoming technological gods, are broadly secular.” —Zoltan Istvan In a previous piece I laid out an overview of orthodox Christian theology with a view to exploring transhumanism as fundamentally rooted (though unconsciously) in that Christian mythos. There’s…
"Nazis. I hate these guys." --Indiana Jones In an earlier piece I looked at contemporary expressions of outright fascism, as well as fascist-like (aka, “fashy”) movements. I explored Francis Fukuyama’s (in)famous End of History & Last Man thesis whereby liberal democratic capitalism had triumphed over fascism (WWII) and…
[Author's Note: Literally a day after publishing this piece, news came in that youtube purged David Icke's videos from the site. Which automically raises the question: If he is such a crackpot conspiracy kook like he's typically portrayed in the mainstream media then why bother censoring him? What if there…
In a previous piece I explored the path of studying parapolitical/conspiratorial insights as akin, though distinct from, the path of spiritual awakening. It’s not coincidental that the classic metaphor used in conspiracy world is “going down the rabbit hole”, which is after all reference to shamanic initiation and…
In this piece I want to explore a couple of recent dystopias that have come out that I think are a major distraction from the real dystopia conversation we should be having (i.e. the one we’re living under). One is the recent HBO film adaptation of the novel…