“It's vile and deceitful, it's cruel and it's mean
Ugliest thing that you ever have seen
They killed him once and they killed him twice
Killed him like a human sacrifice
The day that they killed him, someone said to me, "Son
The age of the Antichrist has just only begun”.
-Bob Dylan, ‘Murder Most Foul’ (2020)
The War in Ukraine and the Network
The war in Ukraine that began in February 2022 brought something into stark relief. The response from the Western establishment to the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a networked response. Here’s how John Robb, host of Global Guerillas and an expert in open-source and fourth-generational warfare, put it in a recent post- “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered the mobilization of a sprawling networked swarm composed of individuals, corporations, and governments from across the western world (US/EU))”. The response to the Russian invasion didn’t just come from governments, it came from the banking system, from Fortune 500 corporations pulling their business out of Russia, to big tech social media platforms banning pro-Russian voices, to Hollywood stars like Sean Penn filming in Ukraine and President Zelensky appearing on the Grammy Awards, to major sporting tournaments banning Russian players. Many different nodes in the Network’s arsenal were activated in reaction to the Russian invasion. This clear networked response provides a good opportunity to truly see who and what the power establishment of the West really is, and as I’ll try and show in this article, has been for a very long time.
There’s been some excellent long form investigative journalism done over the past few months, and I’ll build off that body of work and add a variety of other sources to try and get a better handle on the history of the Network, its makeup, its weapons, and its goals. What began as one piece has expanded out to be a three-part series, which will published as close together as possible. The Network has been central to the global pandemic response (if not to its origins), and it’s currently on a fervent end game march towards implementing a global technocratic world order. As I wrote in my last article, Dispatch- The Woke Left, ESG, and the Great Honkening, “I’ve come to believe that the world is at war, but it’s a different kind of war. It’s infiltration instead of invasion, and instead of nation states vs. other nation states, this is nation states being turned against their own people, with the pandemic as pretext. At its core is an information and a psychological war. And we’re all enemy combatants now”. We may be sliding out the pandemic, but the war rages on. To understand the Network's history and makeup makes us much more capable of recognizing, resisting and ultimately defeating it, opening possibilities for a much different future than the grim dystopic one that it envisions and is now trying to implement in the most vicious ways possible. My colleague Son of Korg wrote a piece called OODA Loops and the Cabal, discussing the sensemaking process that moves through the stages of Orient, Observe, Decide and then Act. But Korg rightly argues that when we don't have all of the information to properly Orient and Observe the world, when historical understanding has been hidden from us or ignored by the media or not taught in our eduction, we're severely truncated in our ability to Decide and then Act. The Network tries very hard to keep a whole lot of information out of our awareness. I hope the three-part series that follows will be of use to others also trying to understand what's going on in the world, and will help fill in the first two stages of our OODA Loops. This is a lot of information and took an immense amount of work, but I hope it can act a repository to return to, following the links and filling in our awareness as we continue to live within the disorienting fog of the ongoing information war.
From the Round Table Movement to WEF’s Young Global Leaders- A Brief History of the First Eight Decades of the Network
The past two years of the pandemic have opened many people’s eyes to the activities of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. A video that surfaced in January 2022 of Schwab bragging that his organization had “penetrated the cabinets of many governments” went mega viral and rang alarm bells for citizens in many countries whose governments seemed to be actively hostile to its populaces and indifferent to the suffering that harsh pandemic mitigation responses inflicted upon them. Had the governments of many nation states been slowly infiltrated by a Fifth column of actors whose allegiance lay elsewhere? Despite the flagging corporate media’s ongoing attempts to cast The Great Reset as a conspiracy theory, Schwab has been brazenly open about his vision for the not-so-distant future where we’ll “own nothing and be happy”. Despite all this focus on Schwab and his absurd Bond villain like persona, Schwab is himself only one node in the Network. And as Johnny Vedmore has unpacked in his excellent recent article on Schwab and the origins of the WEF (an article we’ll return to more fully in Pt.2), Schwab was recruited in the 1960s by other key members of the Network including Henry Kissinger, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the CIA. But before telling that story we need to go further back to the origins of the Network, for as Matthew Ehret points out in another recent long form article entitled ‘Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency’, “While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes…Klaus’ Young Leaders is merely a modern version of an older practice that has been at play for over 114 years. This older institution is the Rhodes Scholarship system and the associated Round Table Movement, which created both Chatham House in 1919 and its American branch, dubbed “The Council on Foreign Relations,” in 1921”.
Matthew Ehret is a Canadian writer and scholar whose been working fruitfully on his site The Canadian Patriot (and elsewhere) with the writings of probably the best source for understanding the secret history of the Network, Professor Carol Quigley. Far from a conspiracy theorist or John Birch Society member, Quigley was a Harvard educated prominent historian who taught at Princeton, Harvard and Georgetown universities, and worked for the US Defense Department, the US Navy, and the Smithsonian Institution. Based on what Quigley himself has said, he was chosen by members of the Network to write their history. During that process he was given exclusive access to the archives of the Council on Foreign Relations. The giant tome of a book that Quigley produced, Tragedy and Hope, was too revealing for the Network however, and the book was pulled soon after its publication (although it survived and was reprinted years later). As Jay Dyer commented in his eight-part video series on the book, “Quigley spilled the beans”. His posthumously published The Anglo-American Establishment was even more revealing than the first book. (For a good readable introduction to Quigley, see Joseph Plummer’s book Tragedy and Hope 101, which we’ll draw from heavily in Pt.1). Quigley writes of a secret network that sought to bring “all the habitable portions of the world” into its sphere of control. Quigley writes, “I know of this network because I’ve studied it for twenty years, and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records” (Tragedy and Hope, 950). According to Joseph Plummer, “Quigley informs us that this wealthy “Anglophile network” cooperates with any group that can help it achieve its goal. He chronicles how the Network formed in the late 1800s in England and immediately began creating front groups, such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States. Before long, the Network expanded its operations; spreading like a cancer into our universities, media, and especially government foreign policy” (Tragedy and Hope 101, 4-5).
The Network gets its start in the late 19thcentury Britain at the height of the British Empire and was formed by mega wealthy men such as Cecil Rhodes who were bent on extending and maintaining the vast colonial Empire. Rhodes wrote openly in his diaries about the intentions of the group- “Let us form the same kind of society [as the Jesuits], a Church for the extension of the British Empire. A society which should have its members in every part of the British Empire”. Rhodes called for and initiated the “Establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world”. Quigley writes about this Round Table group that, “This organization has been able to conceal its existence quite successfully, and many of its most influential members, satisfied to possess the reality rather than the appearance of power, are unknown even to close students of British history” (Anglo-American Establishment, 5). Quigley writes that the Network had its hands in the Boer War and the creation of South Africa. According to Matthew Ehret, it also managed to thwart a more independent nationalist movement in Canada, by helping to engineer Wilfred Laurier’s loss in the 1911 Canadian election. A few years later Laurier wrote to a friend, “Canada is now governed by a junta sitting at London, known as “The Round Table”, with ramifications in Toronto, in Winnipeg, in Victoria, with Tories and Grits receiving their ideas from London and insidiously forcing them on their respective parties”. The Network was off to a good start, at least by its own goals and moral standards.
So you have a group of British oligarchs coming together attempting to bring “all habitable portions of the world under their control”, and using a secret society modeled on the Jesuits to do so. Cecil Rhodes brought with him an enormous fortune made by monopolizing control of the diamonds, gold, and other natural mineral resources of South Africa. The Rothschild banking family brought another fortune into the mix. The use of scholarships such as the Rhodes Scholarship was one way this Network could funnel that wealth and fund the tendrils of its operation. Quigley writes, “The scholarships were merely a façade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which the members of the secret society could carry out its purpose” (Anglo-American Establishment, 33). As noted in the title of Matthew Ehret’s article mentioned above, there’s been an unbroken continuity of this program down into our own day. The WEF’s Young Global Leaders is another wing of the same project, as we’ll return to in Pt. 2. Through this funded network of Rhodes Scholars as well as the recipients of other scholarships, many of whom were handpicked from the undergraduates of Oxford University, the Network was able to “Pursue its goal by secret political and economic influence behind the scenes and by the control of journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies” (Anglo-American Establishment, 49). The Network’s tentacles stretched themselves throughout the key power centers of many societies.
We might want to pause for moment and ask what drove this Round Table group to undertake such an ambitious and mammoth project of world domination, especially when most people participating in it wouldn’t even live to see it fully implemented? We’ll talk more about the values, motivations and religious beliefs of the Network in Pt.3 of this series, but we can note a few things here. For one, they were massively racist, convinced that they represented the highest achievement of human evolution, and that the whole world would be well-served by them guiding the planet (the ole ‘white man’s burden’). Listen to these words by Cecil Rhodes- “I contend we are the finest race in the world and that the more of world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present habituated by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence”. Not only did they believe they were miles above most humans, but they were also Malthusians, believing there were way too many of these “despicable specimens” on the planet. This led to their decades long support for eugenics, which had to be rebranded as transhumanism when the Nazis sullied the term permanently. Above all, these self-perceived ubermenschen thought that the days of national sovereignty had to be abolished, and that independent nations could not be tolerated. The destruction of sovereignty was at the heart of their project. Listen to these words by the historian Arnold Toynbee, a Network man- “I will hereby repeat that we are at present working discreetly but with all of our might to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands” (November 1931 edition of International Affairs). With their guiding philosophy of might makes right Realpolitik, they would use any means necessary to achieve this goal. This attack on national sovereignty continues powerfully in our time, with the Network using new weapons on those pesky nation states, as you can read in my piece Dispatch- The Woke Left, ESG, and the Great Honkening. The proposed WHO Global Pandemic Treaty is yet another attempt to achieve this goal.
The Network was making progress towards its goals in the first decades, but it realized it wouldn’t be able to achieve its objectives without the wealth and military resources of one nation- the United States. So in the early 20thcentury the Round Table group made alliances with wealthy American oligarchs such as JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Dale Carnegie, the Cabot’s, and the Russell’s (whose wealth was made through various monopolies or via the opium trade). These two groups fused together is what Quigley is calling the Anglo-American Establishment. In 1921 the Network created the Council on Foreign Relations, which Quigley discovered was a front group for the Network (Tragedy and Hope, 952, 955). The organization was vastly successful in getting its people into positions of power. As G. Edward Griffin writes in his book The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994), “Almost all of America’s leadership has come from this small group. That includes presidents and their advisors, cabinet members, ambassadors, board members of the Federal Reserve System, directors of the largest banks and investment houses, presidents of universities, and heads of metropolitan newspapers, news services, and TV networks” (p.4). In 2009, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to the CFR as “the mother ship” and said that she gets “a lot of advice” from the group about “what we should be doing and how we should think about the future”.
Stepping back a decade from the creation of the CFR, the Network pulled one of their biggest coups when their man Edward ‘Colonel’ House won the ear of the soon to be US president Woodrow Wilson. The Network knew that Woodrow Wilson had been writing about a “confederation of empires” as early as 1887, so he would be an excellent person to help usher in their desired League of Nations (which was to be an early foundation for world government), because he was already thinking in this direction. House became a close confident of Wilson, and in 1913 the Network via Wilson had two important pieces of their domination puzzle brought into being. Here’s how Joseph Plummer puts it- “House used Wilson to create the two essential funding mechanisms for the Network’s “revolutionary adjustment” of US society. More specifically: prior to the election of Woodrow Wilson, the Network did not possess the power to tax US citizens’ income or control the nation’s money supply. Wilson signed both of these powers [Federal Reserve, income tax] into existence shortly after he took office. More than anything, this enabled House and the Network to turn the United States away from sovereignty and toward servitude” (p.53).
The Network both desired a major war such as World War I and they helped make it happen. This was partially done by the creation of a series of entangled treaties signed between European nations. As Henry Kissinger described it in his 1994 book Diplomacy, “The unholy mix of general political alliances and hair-trigger military strategies guaranteed a vast bloodletting” (p.206). When the shadowy group the Black Hand killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the tinder box blew wide open. The goal of the Network was to allow the war to go on as long as possible, and to be as costly and devastating as possible. This would set the stage for the League of Nations to be the global (trans-sovereign) solution to preventing another war. In 1915, with the US not yet in the war, Woodrow Wilson was talking openly of peace and bringing the warring combatants to the table to negotiate ending the war. Wilson sent Colonel House to London to bring his message that he wanted to see peace talks, and House, being a good Network man, brought the exact opposite message, that Wilson was not interested in peace. And so the war went on. Now the Network had the problem of the US not yet being in the war. In 1915 the British ocean liner the RMS Lusitania, which had Americans on board, was sunk by the Germans. If the Network didn’t intentionally set up the ship to be a target, Quigley writes that the “Propaganda agencies [of the Network] made full use of the occasion” (Tragedy and Hope, 198), blasting the story out through all its media vehicles, trying to stoke pro war sentiment in the United States populace. Only a week after this incident, a Network man (who Quigley called a second generation of the “Cecil Bloc”) Viscount James Bryce, former British Ambassador to the United States, wrote a now infamous report on supposed German atrocities in Belgium, replete with gang rapes and the mutilation of women to the bayoneting of infants. The sources for Bryce’s claims have never come to light. But that in combination with the sinking of the Lusitania was enough to sway US public opinion and get the US into the war. Joseph Plummer sums up the result- “The moment Wilson declared war, vast amounts of money began flowing into the Network’s coffers. Adjusted for inflation, the total cost to the United States from 1917 to 1919 would equal more than $500 billion today. This “war to end all wars” not only buried the United States in debt, it increased the Network’s financial leverage in direct proportion to the debt. But there were additional profits as well. Competing empires were destroyed, the isolationist tendencies of the United States were subverted, and the initial framework for the New World Order took shape” (Tragedy and Hope 101, 198-199).
The Network got their League of Nations through the leadership of their (surreptitiously led) Woodrow Wilson. But the large isolationist and nationalist elements within US Senate, who recognized that the organization would undermine US sovereignty, voted not to join and the vote did not pass. Quigley writes that the Network then decided to undermine their own organization, because it wouldn’t work without the US involved- “The whole inner core of the Milner Group [another name Quigley uses for the Round Table Group, after Lord Milner who cofounded it with Rhodes] began a campaign to undermine the treaty, the League of Nations, and the whole peace settlement…The Milner Group began their program of appeasement [of Germany] and revision of the settlement [Treaty of Versailles] as early as 1919” (Anglo-American Establishment, 234-235). It would take another bloody World War before they finally achieved their desired goal, and they did everything in their power to make it happen.
The Network and the Rise of Communism and Fascism
The second most important scholar after Carol Quigley to uncover and expose the high-level machinations of the Anglo-American establishment was Anthony Sutton. Sutton discovered the secret power games of the Network, and the Network destroyed his career because of it, getting him tossed out of two universities and blocking his tenure at another. But he forged on privately and wrote 26 books, with reams of valuable information about the Network’s covert actions. In a book called Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, he showed how the Anglo-American Network had covertly funded both the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks in Russia. Why would they do this? As Matthew Ehret writes in a 2021 article on the subject, “Because there was an independent spirit in Russia, trying to engender cooperation. In between nation states, alliances that would be out of the Network’s control”. Ehret writes, “The Bolsheviks enjoyed vast financial patronage of western imperial powerhouses such as Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff (head of Kuhn, Loeb & co.) and even Lord Alfred Milner- head of the newly formed Round Table Movement. These characters bankrolled much of the Bolshevik movement as early as 1905 in order to destroy a truly revolutionary process that was spreading across much of the world in the wake of the [American] Civil War”. Independent nation states could not be tolerated, and the Network used discreetly funded revolutionary movements to smash any momentum in that direction. The Network formed the CIA in 1947, and as we’ll see later, it would become an even more powerful weapon for this same function.
In the 1920s and 1930s, the Network spoke out against the rise of fascist movements in Italy, Spain, and Germany, but behind the scenes they were either encouraging or supporting them all. For instance, the Network talked a big public game condemning Mussolini’s Italy for its 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, and they spoke of the need for “collective security”. But as Quigley writes, “The [British] public did not know that [British foreign secretary Samuel Hoare] had stopped on in Paris en route to Geneva to arrange a secret deal by which Italy would be given two-thirds of Ethiopia” (Tragedy and Hope, 492). The Network was equally duplicitous in its relations to General Franco’s (fascist) side in the Spanish Civil War. The UK and France created a Non-Intervention Agreement that would prevent nations from supporting either side of the civil war, so as to avoid a much larger scale war breaking out between nations. However, following their usual “dual policy” as Quigley called it (say one thing publicly, do another thing privately), Quigley writes that Britain was neither “fair nor neutral” when it came to the enforcement of the nonintervention agreement, and that Britain participated in “large-scale violations of international law” through acts that clandestinely supported Franco and his forces (Tragedy and Hope, 602-604). Joseph Plummer notes that many “Network royalty” attended Franco’s funeral in 1975, including then US vice president Nelson Rockefeller (Tragedy and Hope 101, 150).
The Network’s action was the same when it came to Germany. Quigley writes that “The Milner Group began their program of appeasement and revision of the settlement [Treaty of Versailles] as early as 1919”, and they turned a blind eye to the fact that reactionary elements, “forces of despotism” in Quigley’s words, were gaining strength in Germany (Quigley, Anglo-American, 234-235). There has been a growing body of literature over the past couple of decades showing that powerful elements within the allied West (bankers and corporations, ie. the Network) supported the rise of Hitler and then the Nazi regime when it came to power. Anthony Sutton has another book entitled Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler that was published in 1976, and more recently you have books such as Conjuring Hitler by Guido Preparata, and Nazi Nexus- America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust by Edwin Black. Another classic in the field is Charles Higham’s Trading With the Enemy. For a quicker entry into this topic, you can read this 2004 Guardian article, ‘How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power’. The Network wanted war and their strategy of appeasement toward Germany (while surreptitiously supporting it through the Network’s assets) allowed them to slowly back their way into one. When Germany broke the Locarno Pact in 1935 by rearming the Rhineland, Britain refused to say that they’d broken the pact. The Network got their war, and vast rivers of blood were yet again spilled on the altar of world domination. Bob Dylan was on the mark when he wrote in ‘Masters of War’, “You that never do nothin, but build and destroy, you play with my world, like it’s your little toy”. Indeed. Perhaps even closer to the mark was Black Sabbath’s Geezer Butler when he wrote in the song ‘War Pigs’, ‘Generals gather in their masses, just like witches at black masses, evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death’s construction”. Oh, Lord, yeah.
WWII, the United Nations, the CIA and Project Paperclip
Out of the ashes of World War II the Network was able to establish several organizations that greatly helped further its goals. The first was the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations but this time with the United States involved. The money to buy the real estate in New York City on which the United Nations today sits, was provided by David Rockefeller Jr. The second was the Bretton Woods system, the new economic world order that included institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank, and a few years later the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (which would become the World Trade Organization in 1995). A lot of ink has been spilled in the last forty years by leftist authors and academics on the how the World Bank, IMF and these other economic instruments have been a source for neocolonialism, or perhaps better put, economic warfare. One of the most famous books on the subject is John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, where Perkins describes how poor countries were forced into loans with rates of interest that saddled them with debt they often could not afford, and if they cannot pay they are forced into the infamous “structural adjustment programs”, which strip wealth from the population and often lead to poverty and environmental degradation. If a country tries to refuse these deals, Perkins says “the Jackals” are sent in to strong-arm and often assassinate the leaders who don’t play ball.
Who are these Jackals? This brings us to the next organization that the Network created, one that might be its most powerful weapon- the CIA. The precursor to the CIA was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the intelligence agency of the United States military during WWII. It’s important to note that within the OSS were the family members of many of the America’s wealthiest families, including J.P. Morgan’s sons, the Mellons, Vanderbilts and the Duponts, all Network connected. It was an organization filled with blue bloods from the beginning. According to John Potash in his book Drugs as Weapons Against Us, “These families played a major role in helping pass the legislation titled the National Security Act of 1947. This act founded the Central Intelligence Agency and gave the CIA preeminence among the other fourteen-plus intelligence agencies developed thereafter” (p.17). The first director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, a lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell one of the biggest law firms in the world, had close ties to CFR man David Rockefeller. When Dulles was in the OSS, he used the Rockefeller Centre as his headquarters. The CIA became an extra-constitutional paramilitary wing of the Network. In his book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order, Servando Gonzalez writes that the CIA provided the Network with “military muscle for covert operations” (p.89). Gonzalez says that the CIA is “the hidden strongarm” of the Network, which they “have used to enforce their wishes upon non-compliant victims who have refused to accept their illegal rules imposed by organizations like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and others they’ve created” (p.75). It’s also been used to topple many governments around the world, as outlined in William Blum’s depressing yet important book Killing Hope: US and CIA Interventions Since World War II.
Not only did the Network support the rise of the Nazis through public appeasement and private corporate and financial support, but they also secretly absorbed many Nazis into Western societies after WWII, many of whom had been responsible for heinous war crimes. Allen Dulles and the CIA, along with the help of the Catholic Church, helped bring 1,600 Nazis into the United States (others went to Britain, Australia, and Russia) through Project Paperclip, 1,000 of which were integrated into US intelligence. For a breakdown of this Nazi recruitment and survival after WWII, you can read Son of Korg’s piece We’re in a Very Fascist Moment…Just Not the One You Think. The gruesome human experimentation that was undertaken by the Nazis during WWII was continued within the CIA’s now infamous MKUltra program, with far reaching ramifications for the world in the decades after. My piece Naomi Klein’s Bridge- Neoliberalism, MKUltra, and the Long Trauma War Pt.1 gives background on this program and the many horrors that emerged from it on the world stage.
Much of this Nazi recruitment (of war criminals) was justified by the newly emerging Cold War and the Soviet Union that was supposedly an existential menace. I say supposedly because Anthony Sutton once again uncovered that the US was covertly colluding and collaborating with the USSR, supplying the Soviet Union with military and industrial technology. He demonstrated this in a pair of books called Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development in 1968 and 1973, and then a follow up book entitled The Best Enemy Money Can Buy. You can read excerpts from these books in two recent posts by Jon Rappoport, found here and here, and watch an interview with Anthony Sutton on the topic here. Does this mean the whole Cold War was a ginned up fraud? No, as I’ve heard Jay Dyer say on this topic several times, most people working within the Cold War atmosphere, such as State Department employees and intelligence agents and so on, probably felt it was all real and in many ways it was, with real spies and real tensions such as what happened over Cuba. But on a higher level the Network was using this superpower showdown as a dialectical tool to advance its goals. This includes making huge amounts of money on arms production, using the Cold War as a powerful tool to stoke immense fear in the public (eg. duck and cover drills), justifying unconscionable programs such as MKUltra, and providing the excuse to build new global trans-sovereign institutions that were ‘necessary’ to contain this frightening showdown. It was the perceived Soviet threat to Europe which led to the eventual creation of the European Union. Who was a key figure who suggested this covert passing of technology to the Soviet Union, as well as using the fear of the nuclear threat to steer the public in desired ways? None other than Henry Kissinger, Network figure par excellence, who will be center stage in Pt.2 of this series.
Awakening to the Infiltration
In the US in the 1950s, certain more nationalist oriented factions of the government started to smell that something was rotten in the United States, that there had possibly been serious infiltration into US society and its governmental systems. Two government committees investigated two different dimensions of this possible subversion, one in the House and one in the Senate. One was the House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations that ran from 1952 to 1954, which wanted to investigate tax-exempt foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, to see what impact they were having on American society. The committee is often referred to as the Reece Committee after one of its two chairs, B. Carroll Reese. A man named Norman Dodd was chosen to be the chief investigator for the committee. He sent a woman named Catherine Casey to investigate the private records of the Carnegie Foundation, and he sent her because he knew she was skeptical of the whole investigation. What she discovered was such a shock to her, she later had a nervous breakdown. She discovered minutes from 1909 that asked the question “Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” The answer was no, war is the most effective. Then the question was asked, “How do we involve the United States in a war?” The answer was, “We must control the State Department…We must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country”. In the Foundation’s minutes recorded after WWI had already begun, Casey found a report where they had “dispatched to President Wilson a telegram, cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly”. The Network wanted the war to drag out, as we mentioned above.
The final Reese Committee Report stated that, “Some of the larger foundations have directly supported 'subversion' in the true meaning of that term--namely, the process of undermining some of our vitally protective concepts and principles. They have actively supported attacks upon our social and governmental system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas” (Tax-Exempt Foundations: Hearings, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1954). Rene A. Wormser, who was the general counsel of the Reese Committee, wrote this in his 1958 book Foundations: Their Power and Influence, which summarized the findings of the committee- “As general counsel I was more interested in an emerging elite which has control of gigantic financial resources: an unparalleled amount of power is concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly established canons of value”. The Reese Committee had discovered the Network. These kinds of foundations of the elite are very much with us today, such as the Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the McCain Institute, and the Justin Trudeau Institute, which started having money “rain into it” after he was elected the leader of the Liberal party.
These foundations can be very effective at social engineering, as they pour money into medicine, education, the arts, politics, and many other facets of social life, steering it in their own desired direction. The (left leaning) Dutch political scientist Kees van der Pijl wrote this in a 2020 article on the pandemic- “Ever since the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty in the late 19th century followed the advice of his vicar to move a large part of his wealth out of reach from the taxman and into a charitable foundation, corporate dynasties have exercised their power by having these charities pursue their private visions of society. Unhindered by democratic deliberation or state control, this has allowed the capitalist dynasts to exercise real class power”. Many researchers have also argued that the foundations are vehicles for political bribery, money laundering, and pay to play schemes. Perhaps we’ll see the truth of this in the outcome of US Special Counsel John Durham’s current ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. These tax-exempt foundations still play a key role in the overall arsenal of the Network.
The second committee of note was when the now infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy became chairman of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) in 1953, spearheading investigations into possible subversion and espionage within the US government and the US military. Joseph McCarthy is one of the more maligned figures in US history, with the term McCarthyism meaning the unfounded and unjust persecution of individuals (particularly on the left), but recent scholarship has been coming to see McCarthy in a very different light. Joseph P. Farrell published a book in 2019 entitled McCarthy, Monmouth, and the Deep State, where he draws off recent scholarship and adds a few finds of his own from McCarthy related documents which were declassified in 2003 (you can watch Farrell being interviewed about the book by Dark Journalist here). Farrell and others have found that there was a there there, that McCarthy was indeed finding subversion and infiltration, it just wasn’t exactly Communists. Servando Gonzalez writes in Psychological Warfare and the New World Order, “Senator McCarthy discovered that the State Department was teeming with individuals frantically working in the shadows to destroy this country by helping its enemies…Unfortunately, McCarthy mistakenly concluded that the CFR agents he was fighting had to be Communists” (p.87). McCarthy was discovering the embedded agents of the Network, but he mistook them to be Communists. Some were indeed helping the Communists, such as Harry Dexter White, but they were only helping strengthen one side in the wider dialectic that was mentioned above. Carrol Quigley says something very similar on this issue. He writes, “The financial circles of London and those of the eastern United States…reflects one of the most powerful influences in the twentieth-century American and world history. [This nexus] reflects a very real power structure. It is this power structure which the Radical Right in the United States has been attacking for years in the belief that they are attacking the Communists” (Tragedy and Hope, 956). This is a very important point, as the conservative right in the US still tends to call most of its political opponents “communists”, when the truth is more complex. As I said in my article Dispatch- The Woke Left, ESG, and the Great Honkening, the Network does use far left foot soldiers on the ground to do its dirty work and advance its agenda, but they themselves are not Communists. They’re globalists seeking to destroy nation states and establish a technocratic world government. In another passage Quigley writes, “The network…operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so” (Tragedy and Hope, 950). This distinction is important as it helps us move out of the right-left dichotomy and the endless culture wars fought within it, allowing the real location of our common enemy to come into full view.
Distant Early Warnings
Before we move to the final section of Pt.1 in this three-part series, I want to look at three times that US presidents warned of the Network. Woodrow Wilson wrote this in his 1913 book The New Freedom- “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above a whisper in condemnation of it”. The next is Dwight D. Eisenhower’s now famous Farewell Address to the Nation in 1961, as he was set to hand off the presidency to John F. Kennedy. Speaking of the new massive build-up of military arms during the Cold War era, he said: “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist”.
Eisenhower chose his words carefully (defying the Network can be dangerous) and spoke only of the power that certain combinations of industry, military and government could wield in cooperation. Later that year in April 1961, John F. Kennedy was a little more explicit in his “Secret Societies Speech” delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association. He said, “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed”. This speech is no doubt just one of many reasons that John F. Kennedy had to be killed.
Murder Most Foul
“Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb
He said, “Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?”
“Of course we do, we know who you are”
Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car".
It’s time for me to throw my hat in the parapolitical ring, as the hour is getting late. The Network has gone into their endgame final push for their carefully sought-after goal of total technocratic control of the world’s population. A pandemic is being followed by inflation, war in Ukraine, (seemingly manufactured) food shortages, portents of energy shortages, and now the supposed outbreak of monkeypox and calls for new vaccines and mitigation measures. It’s a relentless and vicious assault meant to break people down into dazed submission. So given the gravity of that context, it’s important to state that I believe JFK was killed by the Network. Clearly Bob Dylan does too, as he uses the word “they” more than ten times in his mesmerizing and harrowing song about the assassination and its effects.
I want to lay out the motives the Network would have for this act, as there were many, and set that against the backdrop of what we’ve read in this piece so far. But let’s start with a wider frame and first say that there were multiple groups involved in the killing, all with strong motives. Joseph P. Farrell calls this a “coalescence of interests” in his book on the subject. Historian Peter Dale Scott agrees when he writes in his book Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, “The President was murdered by a coalition of forces inside and outside the government…Kennedy was killed by a deep political system” (p.299). There’s more proof today of these claims than there ever has been, thanks to the declassifying of documents by the Assassination Records Review Board that was set up by the US Congress in 1994. The ARRB was created in response to public outcry following Oliver Stone’s 1991 film JFK. Stone closed the film with a statement that thousands of documents from the House Select Committee on Assassinations (1976) were still under seal and would not be released until 2029. The outraged American public put pressure on their elected leaders, and the ARRB was formed in response. In the four years it existed it declassified over 60,000 documents (from the FBI, CIA, Warren Commission, and other government bodies) totaling several million pages. The rest of the documents were supposed to be declassified in October 2017, but the story goes that Donald Trump got a visit from the FBI and the CIA, and he chose to declassify some documents and then set the rest to be declassified after a three-year delay. It then became up to Joe Biden to do the declassifying, and he declassified some but also delayed on others, setting the date for December 15, 2022. What’s in those documents that they should still be kept from the American public 59 years later? Another JFK researcher Jefferson Morley fought a 16-year court battle with the US government from 2003 to 2019 trying to get documents declassified on one undercover CIA officer in Miami at the time of the assassination and was fought tooth and nail every step of the way, eventually losing in the end. Again, what’s being hidden and why would it presumably still have impact if known today? Would it reveal the Network?
The already declassified documents by the ARRB have proven to be quite useful to JFK assassination researchers however, one of the most informed being Joe DiEugenio. DiEugenio was the screenwriter for Oliver Stone’s two new documentaries on the assassination, the two-hour JFK Revisited- Through the Looking Glass (2021), and the four-hour JFK- Destiny Betrayed (2021). Not everything that follows is from those films, but they are very good at bringing together a wealth of important details. The first group to have motive in the JFK killing is the CIA. According to a 1966 NY Times article, JFK was said to have told an aide that he wanted to, “Splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”. Whether he truly said that we don’t know, but historians are clear that there was very real enmity between the CIA and Kennedy, especially after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion fiasco. In 1961, Kennedy wrote up National Security Memorandum 57, which would make paramilitary operations have to go through the Department of Defense, essentially taking away the CIA’s ability to do covert special operations without anyone knowing. The memorandum was never activated by Kennedy (it’s said he was going to wait until his second term), but curiously Donald Trump activated it on November 17th, 2020 (Dark Journalist talks about this move here). As we saw above, the CIA’s abilities for clandestine action are very important to the Network and going after the CIA would certainly raise the Network’s ire and provoke a response.
The second course of action that Kennedy was looking to pursue that displeased the Network, is that he was seeking détente with the Soviet Union. He wanted to cool the Cold War tensions and build a better relationship with Khrushchev, perhaps even collaborating in space. In a speech two months before the assassination, he said, “Finally, in a field where the United States and the Soviet Union have a special capacity – in the field of space – there is room for new cooperation, for further joint efforts in the regulation and exploration of space”. The Network needed the fear filled cauldron of the Cold War to be as hot as possible, so they could forge new trans-sovereign entities in response to the threat. Cooling this dialectical tension was directly counter to their interests. Somewhat relatedly, a lesser-known aspect of JFK’s foreign policy views was his support for nationalist movements in a time when the colonial era was coming to a rocky end. In his controversial Algeria Speech as a Senator in 1957, he called for Algerian independence and more broadly for other nations to also reclaim control of their countries. We know how the Network feels about nationalism and sovereignty, and these foreign policy views of Kennedy went directly against the views of the US foreign policy establishment (aka the CFR/Network).
The next motive the Network had for killing Kennedy was that he wanted to pull out of the Vietnam war. Oliver Stone claimed in his 1991 film JFK that Kennedy was planning this and he was roundly criticized for it, as there was no hard evidence for this at that time. However, the AARB declassified over 1,000 documents related to Vietnam and those show conclusively that this was true. The NY Times wrote an article about these declassified documents and their revelations in 1997 (non-paywall version of the article here). As we’ll see in Pt.2 of this series, the Vietnam war was very important to the Network. It would be a test bed where various new military technologies, psychological warfare techniques, and social engineering practices would be tested in the field. The ‘fruits’ of these experiments would be used in the US led war on terror, and eventually on society in general, as we’ll see. Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam war immediately after taking over the presidency.
As Kennedy was making himself an enemy of the Network, he was also making a pair of enemies that very likely assisted the Network in the assassination. The first was the mob. It’s long been claimed (including by Seymour Hersh) (and disputed by others) that through the connections of John F. Kennedy’s father the mafia helped Kennedy win in Illinois in the 1960 presidential election. Either way, his brother Robert Kennedy’s “crusade against mob” as JFK’s attorney general didn’t sit well regardless of whether they’d helped him previously or not. The mob also lost huge when Fidel Castro took over Cuba, and John Kennedy’s inability/unwillingness to overthrow him also stuck in La Cosa Nostra’s craw. The most obvious mafia connection to the assassination is mobster Jack Ruby, who stepped in to dispatch with the patsy Oswald before he could testify. But there's other evidence of mafia presence too. Two mafia bosses, Santo Trafficante Jr. and Carlos Marcello, both boasted about helping with the assassination according to informants. The CIA has long worked with the mafia, as they have overlapping black market interests, and having the mob do dirty work such as targeted kills goes a long way to creating plausible deniability. Their involvement would make sense even without the extra motivation. The other enemy Kennedy made were the wealthy Texas oilmen, when he moved in 1962 to repeal the tax concessions of the Oil Depletion Allowance after saying he wouldn’t when he campaigned. The oilmen had deep pockets and extensive connections, and it was oilman George de Mohrenschildt who befriended Lee Harvey Oswald, introduced him to anti-Castro groups, and through his connections got him his job at the Texas Schoolbook Repository, which is where he would be on that fateful day.
The Network and its allies had plenty of reasons to kill JFK, and a second term for Kennedy plus a possible follow up presidency by his brother Bobby couldn’t be allowed to happen. It could set their project back in untold and unknown ways. So they did what they’ve done to many other heads of state and assassinated him. But they didn’t just kill him. No, they killed him in broad daylight in the most traumatizing way possible for the American people, sticking a knife into the heart of the nation. Drawing off their decades of research into trauma through secret human experimentation programs like MKUltra, the Network sought to deal the biggest traumatic blow possible with this open-air coup d’état. It worked. As Dylan writes, “What’s new, pussycat? What’d I say? I said the soul of a nation been torn away”.